Friday, October 09, 2009

It's 5am and all is still save the humming of the refigerator. I woke up an hour ago, knowing I had a 13 hour workday ahead, but unable to go back to sleep.

I forgot to call in the produce order for work. Lots of valid excuses for the slip, but the bottom line is I didn't get it done and we need that order TODAY.

I guess I'll make a trip to BJ's before work and try to salvage the situation.

What I'd really like to do is calmly buy a oneway train ticket to ANYWHERE and leave my life for awhile.

All because of a forgotten produce order? No, it runs deeper than that. I'm tired of the daily routine. I'm tired of being responsible. I'm tired of feeling like a bird with her wings taped to her sides.

Oh will get better. At least I'm writing again, even if it is about a forgotten produce order at 5am.

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