Thursday, September 02, 2004

Thursday Morning~
I have spent the last three days in prayer. Not white-gloved, kneel in church prayer, just a running dialog with God. I have gone to the source with all my dreams and hopes and fears, asking for guidance and a miracle. What i was looking for was a financial miracle,because moving day is tomorrow, and there just isn't much money left. Don't let anyone tell you miracles don't exist...they do. Mine have come when i wrestle my ego to it's knees, and just let go...and, let God.
I still haven't seen that green miracle, but, my faith is strong. I guess He had a more important miracle to take care of first.
Last night, 12am, i tossed and turned, eyes wide open in the dark, thinking about J., and his decision...This is unusual for me, because i am one of those lucky people that fall asleep as soon as i hit the pillow. "Momma? are you asleep?" It was J. at my door. "Can we talk?"
Out we went to the front porch swing, to sit in the dark,with the moon gleaming through the tall maples, and a cup of tea. Maybe staying with his friend wasn't such a good idea, he began. How was he going to make it on his own, without a job, a car, an education? Maybe he wasn't ready. I let him talk, and didn't interrupt, all the while silently thanking God, for THIS was the miracle He had in store for me.
There is a selfish part of me that said "Oh No!", because once i got used to the fact that i was going to maryland alone, i started to fantasize about it all...the sheer, glorious freedom..the first time in my entire life i would live alone, and not take care of anybody but myself.
Not going to happen, yet. J decided to come to maryland, after all.He doesn't realize it yet, but, he has made a decision that will change his life in so many wonderful ways.. And so, the journey continues, and i stay mentor, on active Momma Battle Duty, for a while more...Later


Blap said...

Oh leees...i have missed you-and seeing your comment in my email box just made my heart leap a bit-
i can't believe your going to Maryland...seems like you JUST made the are so awesome so awesome.
I am at school so I will be breif-
I wish for you that you will forever know the importance of letting go and letting God.
I wish for you that you will also teach this to your son in every avenue at every opportuned time
I wish for you that you take these next couple months and RELISH in the beauty of it all...
the decision-the hard work to make it happen-and finally the happening :) does that makes sense to you?
it does to me...and I feel, fellow cancerian, fellow moon-child, my friend that you will know exactly what I mean.
Wishing for you-is praying for you-and that I am doing Leeees-that I am doing!
love to you
thinking of you muchly-
be safe
be well
have fun!

foxymama said...

There's that wonderful swing again...a place of refuge and peace. I do hope you're taking it with you. Who says you can't have a swing inside? That's your special place and it has energy...yours and God's.