Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Tuesday Night~~
I have written over 50,000 words on this blog...Happy Writing to Me!.This has been such an eventful 6 days...Truly, i am too tired to explain it all. Quickly, i have driven over 1,600 miles. I am no longer afraid of driving through mountains. I have started my job with the seniors, and tomorrow i start my second job as a cook in a little italian restaurant. Life is a huge challenge right now, and i have so many things to fix, consider, change and explore that i just want to crawl into my bed, pull up the covers, and hide.
Ain't going to happen. I will try to keep muddling thru, try to keep going forward, and, maybe, just maybe, all will be a bit clearer each passing day.
Ah, tomorrow, i so love tomorrows. They hold the promise of wounds healed, of battles won, of kisses taken, of whispers given...AND...my fourth poem is published on the internet writing site...It is so racy, it makes ME blush...yet, when i wrote it, it was written in singleminded devotion to physical communion....Later...this sleepy mermaid is doing the backstroke to the nearest warm reef, curling her tail around a sturdy buoy, and resting for the night...Later

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