Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Wednesday Night~~
I am sitting here in my second set of work clothes, and i smell like pepperoni pizza.There is alot of insanity at the second job, amazing, jawdropping dramas. I am sure there is a book in there, somewhere.
Total ecilpse of the moon tonight, and here, the sky is ink, and stars stud the sky, and the moon is an eerie tangerine. I feel like howling; I feel like lying in the wet grass and just rolling.
I have hooked j. up with a local he was up and working, cleaning his boat. He gets paid for the days work tomorrow, but, tonight, he called me at the restaurant and asked me how to cook lobster. LOBSTER!!! Not a bad fringe benefit....He said it was the best meal he ever had...cooked it himself, and cleaned the house up, too.I am praying it is the beginning of a job for him.
Too tired to write more, up and at it at 5am...the old director and outreach coordinator's last day is tomorrow, and i am making swedish meatballs for the going away party. ..I wish I had time to work on my book...but, it will come when i get a little further down the road with the two new jobs.
I miss all my Mermaid friends, i miss you alot. I think of each of you so often, with love....Later.

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