Friday, September 17, 2004

Good Morning, World!!
Are you all ready????I saw the redbird!!!! Not once, but twice. Early this morning, i sat sipping my coffee on the back deck. Behind the wrought iron fence i saw him....walk-hopping, brightest of bright, against the blackness of the iron. A great, wide smile broke out on my face, and i raised my coffee cup in salute.
I knew it was coming, because i heard Hope call my name last night on the beach. It is a miraculous place, empty of all man has to hotels, no lights, no signs....just mile after mile of sand, and sea, and sky. As i walked, with the salt in the air perfuming my nose, my only companions were baby crabs, skittering sideways into mysterious little holes, pelicans in flight, and seagulls standing sentinel along the dunes.
The sky embraced me, rolling clouds giving way to a deep red and purple window of light, as the sun slipped away.
I asked "Which way do i go, God?" "Which way?" And my answer, as i looked up, was clear...a jet left a wide white plume in the sky...directly in front of me. The answer, of course, was easy. Just keep going straight ahead....and that's what i am going to do.
The redbird? I laughed that i didn't see him in graceful flight, but, rather, hop-walking along. Just like me, right now.
As i got up to go inside, i had one more treat...He flew..not away, but directly towards me, and landed on the maple tree not 15 feet away. He regarded me steadily, tilted his head to the side...(can birds smile? because this one did) and he was gone. Later.........

1 comment:

Amadeus said...

Now do you know why you are in Maryland? It is obvious by the evidence you've provided in your recent posts that you were drawn there! Don't know why, doesn't matter... but there is a reason you are there at this precise moment in time. A person doesn't just pack up and leave and move to another part of the country on a whim... you were called, you were lead there for a specific purpose. You will soon know why... just be patient, and put your trust in Him.