Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Wednesday Morning
Doing all the girlie stuff that has to be done to polish up my image....I don't know how women do it, spend hours plucking their brows, and polishing their nails, slathering creams and all that other mysterious feminine stuff. It's fun every once in awhile, sort of a body meditation...but, as a way of life to stay attractive? No, thanks. I'd rather read a book, or bake cookies, or write, or, or, or...well, just about ANYTHING else.
It's going to be weird slipping into pantyhose, sliding into heels...My navy suit is pressed, and ready, my soft blue blouse crispy pressed. I have so many sides to me,it makes me giggle inside.(makes ALL of us/me giggle inside).
Only thing left to do is make sure i have my references in order, and find the place. Mapquest says only 30 minutes away, i figure if i leave 1-1/2 hours ahead of time, i should be safe.
Do i like the thought of the long hours, the just ok pay, the corp rules again? Nope, not on your life. But, since i don't have a fairy godmother to help me launch a creative business, or support me while i write my book, I will take the job, if offered it, with bells on and a i go, Later

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