Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Wednesday Night~~
First, thank you, are such a loving friend. Your reply today was what i was thinking, you just put it to words for me.
Justin should know in a few days about his job...the owners are out of town. I had to push him out of the car, with prayers and a swift kick, but, i watched him in the rear view mirror, (even though i DID tell him "pull up your pants!" and, he walked tall. Such a serious, intelligent young man, such a mere infant, sigh.
Me? well, i cleaned and put away my books, and left a message for the DM of the drugstore. I have a horrible feeling that i transposed the numbers in my new phone number, something i do when i am nervous.
We rented a video downtown. The local toughgirl, about 200 bucks soaking wet, shook my hand and almost crushed it. I forgot to wear makeup, and my hair was at it's best..yanked up in a clip, with a frizzy poodle-doo in the front.
The lady behind the counter greeted me..."you must be the new woman in town" I was did she KNOW? She asked me how i liked the town...and i said, "well, i enjoy all the cornfields, and the sea is wonderful". Dead silence.
"where u-all from?" she queried. "uhmmm, Detroit". Her eyes widened, and i think she did a quick visual, looking for weapons.
"what da u-all do?" I wanted to say i was a missionary, or, librarian, or, i inherited my moohlah, but, instead, i blurted out..."I am a Writer!"
Shit. the book isn't written yet. I can't believe i said that.
I have to blame my sweetest friend, Flora. She started me blogging. She told me i could write. Once i started writing, last March, it was all over for me.
First, came the practice. Then, came the kernel of thought....could i, would i? write a book? Then came the idea,,,what to write about? Then came the book premise...Then, finally, the title...which is....
Redbird. (of course)
Broke, scared, and finally happy,

1 comment:

Amadeus said...

Ahhhhh! Now that's better... I can see you're depressed fingers are finally getting back to normal now. It's very evident in this post. Welcome home!