Monday, April 19, 2004

Monday Morning...
And Yikes, what a Monday morning it is...J. woke up throwing up at 4am, sure he had food poisening. When he is sick he is a true Leo, dramatic, noisy, and sure he is drawing his last breath. Needless to say, i didn't get to go back to sleep, until i finally told him he wasn't dying, he had just had too much of the ham with pineapple sauce i made last night for dinner. We aren't hammy people, and stay away from rich sauces, so the occasional ham dinner has to be treated with caution.
Today is a new moon, a traditional time for new beginnings, and though i dont really have time to write, i knew i had to start out my day this way. The wind is moaning wildly outside, a gale without rain. It's exciting and fresh, and i want to be walking at Swan Park.
I have so much to do, to plan, to accomplish. I can feel myself on the edge of panic, multitasking. I know how to handle it, though. Deep breaths, and taking one thing at a time.
I came home from work yesterday to find that rikk had edged and trimmed the front of the house.Such a pretty little cottage it is! He also took my bike in to be fixed. My friend Lindsey came over, and looked around with a proprieitary eye. She wants to buy the house with her husband to be, and move in in about karma, her fiance is the young man i let live here for almost nothing when they were having problems 4 years ago .It is all talk at this point, of course, but it seems the universe's plan is unfolding quickly.
Can it be almost 10:30 already? Time to go to work. I can't get my little sister out of my mind. I haven't been able to reach her for almost a week, and my antenna is up.I will try again from work.
Soon i want to explore the mystery of the witches of eastwick. I am convinced we are descended from a long line of powerful, intuitive women, and i want to find out where the line began....
later, later, always later..........

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