Monday, April 19, 2004

Monday Night~~
Listening to the sexy caravan beat of Mars Lasar..Tough day at work, the silent anxiety of a comission salesperson with no customers, yet, i kept the anxiety at bay with prayer, affirmations, and merchandising the futon gallery. Top it off, i have been given the dubious honor of sales trainer. The boss has brought his son into the business, and i was chosen, hands down, to train in sales and front end procedure. I think people get big bucks for that, don't they? Ah, well, i love to teach,and now that the boss wants to open another store, i have been told that i will be teaching EVERYONE newly hired. Jeesh.....if they only knew i won't be there that long....Just like my ex's, i guess, didn't appreciate me while i was there, missed me when i was gone!
Darn, i am trying to write, and am getting bombarded with emails...i will post this, and try again later or in the am.....sigh

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