Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Still haven't finished my story of the nice policeman and the tow truck..but, it will have to wait a little bit longer. This is my blog, after all, and, i AM a self proclaimed Mermaid, floating the currents,so, i write what i am feeling, at the moment.
Tonight i am thinking about relationships. Certain things bind you to another, especially in a romantic relationship. It is like buying a house. In the beginning you are giddy with the excitement of ownership, of the joy of decorating, making it yours, a fresh canvas to paint.It is only when that phase is over that you look up, and see that crack on the ceiling that you never saw before, and notice the slight tilt in the floor that before seemed unique and charming. That is the turning point. Should you plaster the crack and check the foundation to repair the tilt? It is a good house, after all. Or should you say screw it, and buy a new house?
It is a question that has always plagued me. Do other people feel this way? I don't know.....
Maybe tomorrow i will get to the policeman, and the Canadian oven from hell, and my beautiful fresh asparagus that i was going to steam, only to find my boyfriend's mom helpfully chopped into bits, and boiled.....
Ah, i love tomorrows, they always have the promise of a better day!

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