Monday, April 12, 2004

Still in my suit, and should have stayed home today! Had an appointment to talk about refinancing my house today, to lower my interest payment. I sat in a little cafe with a young professional mortgage guy, and listened to him tell me how wonderful his proposal was. I am not very savvy when it comes to financial matters, but, i know a scam when i see one. I looked at the figures, and drifted off into space while he talked, not hearing his words at all..It was strange, like white noise, or the ocean, while my antenna curled around his being, and confirmed that he was a liar, did not have my best interest at heart, and i should absoleutely decline to do business with him.
I offered to pay for the coffee, saying it was the least i could do for his time, because I saw no value in doing business with him. He squirmed, and began to dance The Negotiation Boogie, telling me the figures were "fluid" and he could do better...HA!
That was the beginning, and work was one juggling act after another, placating irritated customers, subtly threatening manufacturers who weren't delivering on time, and doing daily administrative work. In between that, I sold some low end stuff, prayed for deliverance, and got out of dodge at precisely nine pm....Ah, the joy of tomorrows! I am sure it will be better, tomorrow...

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