Sunday, July 18, 2004

more gifts...each so special, so heartfelt
todd took me to dinner...( i know he has just a little bit in his pocket, no more) We shared a golden margarita, and i had ribs and shrimp and more tears...I am DROWNing in love.....
Then, his K. came over.....she did an oil painting of a mermaid...languid, half in the water, half in the sand, with long, red hair, and an mona lisa smile...
how lucky, how blessed, can i get? Those are just who love me know how thankful i am for your gift....I am a happy girl, so happy, barefoot and wildhaired and enjoying every minute of this first day of my birthday year...
thank you, and ...sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Blap said...

happy birthday dear lisa
happy birthday to you
may your days be pink baby blooms little mermaid