Thursday, July 08, 2004

Thursday,early Evening~~
OMIGOD!!!!!!!!!i have just discovered E-Bay....This is a very dangerous place for a confirmed garage-sailor...I have already bought a 1882 print of a Fox, and have a bid on a collection of antique hatpins(one being a fox), fox fabric, a child's book titled"The Brave Fox", and an antique book called "Mountain Girl" by Genevive Fox. I am in big trouble. I bid with abandon, but never went over Seven dollars and 18 cents...
Don't laugh...with the refinance so close, and trying to pay off the 800.00 car in full, PLUS pay the 1200 for the mortgage, 400.00 for the Intrepid i don't drive, before eating, paying electric, ect.., i have no business on E-bay.
Sure was fun, though. Yippie-I-Oh-Ki-A!!!!!!!!!(That is vintage 50's American slang for "holy crap, i am riding rough and loving it!"
Oh, it an early birthday present to myself..
NOTE: if any of you are in similar financial straits...DON'T GO TO EBAY!!!! Later.....wink, wink....


Amadeus said...

Oh no! You found out about Ebay!! Now your blog will be deserted... kicked to the curb... forgotten... neglected... put onto your pay-n-mind list... placed into that dark, musky vault of archaic archives from the past. What praytell shall I now read at the close of each day?

Flora van Stek said...

yes, poor Amadeus!!!