Monday, June 07, 2004

Monday Morning~~
I feel like playing hookie from work so bad that i can taste the words on my lips-"Sorry, not coming in today, the sun is shining and i want to be free" Not going to happen. I haven't called in sick since i was 18 years old. And that was because i had to sleep sometime!Just took a happy walk in my backyard..A happy walk is barefoot, naked under a cotton robe,with my coffee in my hand. I know my neighbors think i am eccentric, but i just don't care. The sunflowers are popping up! What a sight they will be, a whole family of them, yellow and red and brown, short and tall and in between, smiling at all who walk by. The spinach by the backdoor is sprouting, too, and the tomatoes and peppers have their first flowers.
Thanks to the anonymous poster, whoever you are...i enjoyed your insight-and it gave me quite the authoresque tingle.There is so much i want to write about, i can barely contain it all. Sometimes my brain feels like a jewelry box. I look inside and there are necklaces twisted together, and lone pins and sparkles of stones, pieces i have forgotten i have, and broken bits that i can't bear to throw out.What to choose? What to discard? What feels like it wants out of the box? Lately only my pearls will do. They ground me as i feel them against my neck, they comfort me when i lift them to my lips.Tiny moons on a string, beauty nestled deep from the sea. I have to go.....Time to shower, time to change from barefoot to heels, time to bind back my hair.....

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