Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Wednesday morning~~
Stayed up too late last night, talking to Todd and his girlfriend. He mentioned his left arm was aching, and that scared me. When he was 11, he was diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia. In essence, its a misfire in the heart's electrical system,causing it to race. He took pills to control it for 5 years, and then at 16 decided he was healed...It was a miracle, because, he WAS. That was a tough 5 years, not knowing if my child was going to die, and trying to just go about the everyday business of life.
Those first days of his illness, the ride in the ambulance, the week in intensive money, no insurance, and a husband who came to the hospital reeking of vodka..Prayer was my constant companion,my way through it it remains today.

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