Thursday, June 10, 2004

Drinking water from my crystal glass...with a lovely glass of Fortissimo on the side. I have decided today, without seeing the house, that i am moving to Maryland. I have been anxious that i can't afford it, but, i am letting the fear go. I trust my sister and brother-in-law. All will be well and as it should be. I packed my first box! I felt a tightening in my stomach as i packed, and my ears were perked up, like a horse ready for a ride. I surprised myself...who was that organized lady who listed each item on a legal pad, then typed 2 copies, (one for a master list/one taped to the box) to facilitate the move? It was ME! Justin started to mutter little panic stricken mumbles when he saw me pack,about not going. I told him he would be 18 in 2 months, it was his choice....but, if i was in his shoes, i'd go. And, in scarlet's famous line, "frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn"...i didn't say it, but that is what i was's time for an adventure, for new people and places, time to leave a home and make a home....time for sand and sea and sky.
I have 2 big boxes for the garage sale that is postponed...but, at least i will be ready when it happens. The mortgage guy called 98% sure of the refinance now...with an interest rate lowered over 4%. Looks like all is pointing at me moving between Sept 1st and the 15th...As far as the trip next week, well, i am still praying....taxes due on june 14th...maybe a greyhound? ride the dog? that should be cheap...i will check into it tomorrow...Tomorrow? did i say tomorrow? ah, the beauty of hope, of tomorrows, of trying until you get it right. later....

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