Thursday, June 24, 2004

Thursday Nite~~
One more, just one more blog for the nite. I want to tell a story about when i was traveling in Morocco at 22..I was traveling with my boyfriend, Bob, and we were in Marrekeesh, deep in the medina. You can get lost in the medina, or marketplace, forever. Narrow , ancient brick walkways, covered, so the impression was of a maze, impossible to track. We sat in a tiny shop, with a merchant who dealt in oriental rugs. He served us hot mint tea in tiny cups, so sweet it made my teeth ache. Bob was ten years older then i, and fancied himself a great negotiator.(He later became my first husband, but, THAT'S another story). All the while, our arab host with his dark, steamy eyes kept sweeping messages towards me. Bob was a very jelous man, and we had just had a whopping arguement that morning about our travel plans. Hamid reached into his jealoba(traditional man's coat) and pulled out a handful of gems. I was dumbfounded! He asked for me in trade, the rugs and the gems, for me. I looked deep in Bob's eyes, and i knew that for JUST ONE SECOND he wanted to trade me. It is one thing to fantasize about being taken into white slavery, another thing to live the posibility..I gave him that "couple" look....a look that said"if you don't get me out of here right this minute i will make your life so miserable you will wish you were never born" Bob told him i was "too valuable" to trade..We got the rugs, though. We had them shipped back to the states, and when we divorced, i gave them to him. Very few people know that story...but i can still taste the tea, i can still feel the fear and the excitement, i can still see the colours of the gems sparkling in his large, brown hand....Later..

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