Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Tuesday Night~~
What a difference a day makes! I DID WIN!!! Ah, the evil that lurks within the hearts of men....Garry had hidden a cancelation..told the customer to think about it for another day or so...It was the sale that put him over the edge and made him win. The customer called this morning, on Garry's day off., and the owner just happened to be standing there when i took the call. He was furious, thought it was sneaky and underhanded of Garry, and declared me best salesperson.
Then I had two referral customers, relatives of people i had taken care of in the past, and by the time the day was done, i had done almost 7,000. in sales. Yippee! salespeople are superstitious, and to have that kind of a record sales day on the first of the month is considered very good luck. I thought young Pat would have a stroke..Dethroned and royally beaten in one fell swoop.All i could think of was...now i can take care of my family better...
Then i got home, exhausted but exhilerated, and recieved the credit card i had applied for in the mail. With all my credit problems the last 4 years, this was a major miracle. Yippie again!
Then Todd told me he found a new job, and starts tomorrow...and THEN...Rikk told me he got a call about a job, too...
I have been praying for those i love nonstop. I never expect God to answer the way i want, just the way He feels is best. But, sometimes i guess my prayers collide with His, and a day like this happens. all i can say is YIPPPPPPIE!!
Time for bed...I am not even going to eat..too tired, and feeling achy all over....Later...Ps. thank you, God.

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