Friday, July 16, 2004

Friday Night~`
Pork chops fried in olive oil in a garlic/onion/flour&egg coat. Flush Red Peppers, dipped and oiled likeways, as a foil to the crusty brown entree. Last nights baked sweet potatoes, sliced, buttered, and nestled in pineapple, brown sugur, and bacon.
Cholesterol? EIKYEAHHHHHHHH! But, worth it, if you take in the value of the oils and fresh fruit, and cut the fat from the pork. Delicious doesns't have to be a diet takes thought, and heart, and a sweet hand flinging the seasonings, the oils, the accompniantments, to make a wonderful meal, that's sneakily good for you.
CRAP!!! i hate these unedited posts.....hope it all comes out alright...later.


Anonymous said...

Isn't this the way we yummy up the learning...using the "sweet hand that flings the seasonings"?

Lisa said...

i love you. you are unequivically right.