Thursday, July 01, 2004

Thursday Night~~
Ah, fresh out of the shower, delicious! Girly style, too, not my no nonsense work shower in the am...Took my time slathering soap, sang with the plastic fish radio pasted to the shower wall, and afterwards a lavish creaming with lotions and oils. So here i sit, damp-haired and sweet, ready to call it a day. I lied...i didn't go play. I compromised, called the yard work play, and cleaned out the garage. That is one horrible place. Spiders, lots and lots of spiders. Big ones, skinny legged ones, suspicious black widow types and all of them just eyeballing me...No one can tell me they are like other insects. Roaches, centipides, bees, earwigs...i can face them with barely a shudder, but put me within two feet of a spider and i am jumping and doing that primal fight or flight posturing. You know why? They are smart, that's why. They think. They feel, and they know i am afraid. What better way to get a chuckle then to jump on a giant? Better yet, one with yards of hair to run rampant in. Yuck. At least it's done. Things to leave for Todd and Kimberly on the left, things to sell in the center, things to take to maryland on the right. One more big thing accomplished...My book is calling, my water is ice cold, and my feet are going to be UPPPPPPPP. Later.

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