Friday, July 16, 2004

I cannot get the "preview" button to work on blogger...So, if this is filled with typographical errors, forgive me. ( It's not like i pay alot of attention to them, anyway) It is frustrating, though, to not be able to preview and adjust....But, i am so thankful to Blogger for the opportunity to write, i don't care.
I feel like i have let out of the box my evil my last posts of retribution directed towards my boss. I sense a holding in of breath, from those that read this blog. I am paranoid to think, "they won't comment, because they are scared of this mean lady". Oh, well. I promised that i wouldnt censor this blog. I have mentioned that fact before, actually. I guess i am not all happiness and light...just a person picking through her path, stopping to get rocks out of her shoes, and finding beauty and bee stings, along the way. Later.

1 comment:

Blap said...

go get them it for all of it for you!

oh and for the record im not scared of the mean lady...i like the mean lady...