Sunday, July 11, 2004

Sunday Morning~~
Another beautiful day out...I have to write quickly, because i have to get ready for work. Last night was a tough one. On the heel of the post about my mom, i got a panicked call from my niece in south Florida. Trouble in paradise at my younger sister's house. A spat with her husband prompted her to walk the last 2 blocks home, only she didn't go home. This is unlike my little sister, and her daughter called, crying and hysterical. I fought down my own panic, and did a visualization. I saw her to the left side of her house, near water. ( I have never been to her house). That's exactly where she was...Sitting in the dark by the water. We talked, and she's fine, but it was a very emotional 2 hours..
I called Rikk, needing his comfort, and ended up very angry that he wasn't here to support me. I am having such a hard time with our limited communication.. His computer has been down for over 6 weeks, so no more chats, and now that his son is with him, no more private talks, either, because their place is small, with nowhere to go to talk alone. I can feel myself putting up a wall, and i don't like that.
I guess i will just have to wait and see...I have too many fires in the pan right now to solve them all....Off to work i go., later

1 comment:

Amadeus said...

If you ever need an open ear to listen, and some comforting words of solace, or just need to vent... I'll be there for you.