Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wednesday Night~

There are rumors running rampant that i am going to be fired tomorrow. Instead of getting our commission checks today, the boss has called a meeting for 9:30 am., to get our checks.His son said that we never had a conversation with me asking the outcome of the little old lady with the adjustable bed.., even though Pat( photographic memory) swore to both Dave and his son that we did, and Lenny told me nothing would be taken from my check... Perfect...brilliant, having to go back in there on my day off when the house appraisal is at 2pm.
It will not be in his best interests to fire me. I can't leave until after the refinance is complete, or it will scotch everything for Todd. I can have patience, i can have preservere,, but, don't mess with my children. I still have to be the main witness in one of his stupid court cases against a customer, and i WILL file for unemployment. (and get it, based on my productivity, non-absentism( i have never called off work in 20 months)and adherence to company policy.I know too much, and, if he pushes me hard enough, i will play ball so hard he will wish he never even tried to come up to bat against me. Enough is enough.

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