Friday, May 21, 2004

Friday Night~~
Just a little blog tonight...I am in a much better mood, what goes down, must go up., lol. Wicked, wicked storm here today, full of lightening and outraged blackness. As the barameter dropped, so did Justin's mood, and i watched him descend and swirl with the storm. But i wasn't having any of it. Enough is enough, and i let him work it out for himself. I forced him to take an online aptitude test., and when he balked, i looked him dead in the eye and told him it was HIS future, not, if he didn't want to do it, i was closing down the computer right then and there. He did it, liked it, and i felt i made some progress.He's whistling now, and just went to get pizza with his brother, and his girlfriend just called, so all is right with his world.
I gave coconut a bath. Coconut is huge, a great big white ball of supreme royal loving catness..He loves the outdoors, and i am not one to confine anyone, not even my, out he goes, and comes home splattered and dirty and happy. He should have been a calico, or some dirt hiding color. Oh well, he has to suffer the indignity of the occasional bath, when my mother's eyebrow raises, and everything in my path must be cleaned.
Into the tub he went, never suspecting that the mother he loves so much could be so cruel. I cooed and carressed as he did a slippery panic dance on the white enamel. I scrubbed harder, fascinated by how yellow and dirty his fur looked against the pristine bright tub. He handled it all well, until i conditioned him after his shampoo. It was the final indignity, and he made a gallant leap for freedom, up my bosum, over my shoulder, and half way down my back before i dragged him under the showerhead for a final rinse. The shampoo and conditioner? Coconut, of course.
PS he doesnt like the blowdryer much better. later.

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