Saturday, May 15, 2004

Saturday Morning~~
Everything DOES seem better in the morning! I am back to determined warrior mode, ready for whatever challenges come my way. I am wearing my black suit, with a hotpink blouse,filmy flowered scarf, and my pearls.Hair down and wild and bright pink lipstick.
Made all my diet foods to bring to work with me, even though the PMS devil is making me crave cake and bread and chips. Today my 5,000 dollar customer told me to call, so, i might just hit the jackpot at work today.
Even thru all the emoting the last few days, i feel really good about all the cleaning, organizing and gardening i have done in two days. At least i put all that nervous energy to good use! And, as Rikk always says"it could be worse"....I prefer to take that statement as "count your blessings"
Talked my to little sis on the phone last night. Her daughter had made her crazy, and i just let her vent it all out. We ended up laughing over it all, ...just part of life...
Of to work i go..........later

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