Thursday, May 27, 2004

Thursday Morning~~
I am amazed that i have taken pen in hand over 70 times. I wonder who reads this, i wonder what secrets i reveal. i wonder why i do it, and i have no clear answers.
I frenchbraided my hair for work today, something i haven't done in a long time. I think it means business, lol. None of my curling locks to interfere now that i am in the final stages of the race for best salesperson. Inside track...Debbie just called me and gave me the latest numbers...i am ahead by 2,000 dollars...This is so close i can feel the tingle.
I am amazed how much better i look and feel with some of the extra pounds off. yipeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Not gonna stop until i am in my skinny clothes again.
I guess amazed is my word for the day...I think it is because i woke up with a sense of excitement...what challenges will the day bring? what beauty will my eyes find? I am going outside to look at my poppies and drink in the emerald green of the grass, and look for flowers on the feel the sun on my face, if just for a moment...Then, off to the races! later.........

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