Monday, August 02, 2004

Monday Night~~
I just had the most incredible meal.My tastebuds are still dancing, and i keep going mmmnnn...If i had planned it, i wouldn't have...Bratwurst cooked in beer, then broiled...Fresh tomatos sprinkled with coarse salt,greek myzitha cheese, olives...
I made a plate of the sliced sausage, tomatoes and cheese, and ate with my fingers...It was so sensually delightful...the sharp cheese, the soft bite of tomato, the crunch of the brat...mnnnnn...All low carb, too! LOL.
All quiet on the homefront...Work was pretty rotten, another crazy customer...This time i didn't say a word, i am shuttling it right up the ladder...sigh...
I would have loved to leave on a very high note...but, the customer base has been very low end, the problems continue, and, the boss, from the gossip that's flying, is looking for vindictive ways to make my last days miserable.
I just have to adapt a "SO WHAT" attitude, get thru it, and move on. I have done my time selling mattresses, it's time for a new adventure. See you tomorrow...sweet dreams....

1 comment:

Amadeus said...

Hang in there Lisa... remember - it's only a game that they are paying you to play! I understand that you strive toward excellence, but that is what has you in such a whirlwind right now because personally, you can't tolerate the incompetence and unprofessionalism that is thrust before you every day at work. Try and relax my dear... and play the game. You will win!