Saturday, August 14, 2004

Saturday Night~~
Tonight, i can't help thinking about..BREASTS...I wore a sunshine yellow sleeveless turtleneck today...And my breasts were so...THERE...Each time i glimped myself in a mirror at work, they were the first thing i saw...I kept pulling my jacket over them, but they were so insistant.."I am ROUND, i am RIPE, I beg to be fondled."
It made me crazy. Aren't i too old for this? I guess not.
We women have no control over the shape, the size of our breasts. We cannot have designer nippples, either, unless we pay a whopping price for them, along with the size.
I have the Fox girl figure..long, slender legs, big bust.I struggle constantly with becoming a dumpling, my belly swells, my hips broaden.Yet, i am ALWAYS me, hips or no..Why do people obsess so much about their shape? We all look good in the dark, with a loving partner. It is such a crock, to be obsessed with it. If you are a man, do you love your woman any less because her breasts are small? I think not. You might dream of large, silky breasts in your hands or mouth, but, truly, does it matter when it comes down to it?
Isn't it more important to love her warmth next to you, in the middle of the night? The way she makes your doctors appointments, and raising an eyebrow at your diet? The walks, after dinner, talking about kids or work or whatever it is that is on your mind? The bills, the dreams, the garden next year?
Back to breasts....They are so wonderful, i know. A place so primordal, so tasty, they write poems and songs and fight wars about them(I THINK wars have been fought about them). I always wanted small breasts. Little tshirts, boldly saying "HEY! i don't sag, i don't dip, my nipples don't shine like headlights"
That was my nickname when i was a bartender, so many years ago. "Headlights"...(SORRY GEORGE) In case you don't know, George is my brother..he HATES when i write anything sexual....
And my finale on breasts? Gotta love them....they mean so much to so many...Back to my packing....later.

1 comment:

Amadeus said...

I love it! And you are right on the money... breast size should not matter one iota, and they do NOT to me. As a matter of fact, that is the last thing in the world I would ever base my feelings toward someone on. They could be 32-A's and I wouldn't give a flip. I just love the way you write!