Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Wednesday, 11pm~~
What a full and glorious day!! This mermaid can hardly keep her head about the waves right now, though. Could it be possible that in 8 days i will be loading the truck, and on my way???
I am NOT ready, nope, not ready at all. I have decided to go from organized, master list and lettered boxes to full fledged panic mode....everything that can go in a box is GOING in...full speed ahead, just get it done......
Why oh why did i say i would work tomorrow? It's going to be a looong day, and i have been invited to dinner by an old friend after work..
I am getting tired just thinking about it all....Ah tomorrow, tomorrow...Thank God for another day....Later..

1 comment:

foxymama said...

I haven't moved for 16 years, yet I still awake from nightmarish dreams of packing and moving. Of course, I've been involved in the sonnys' movings and friends, etc. Once when we moved state to state packers came in and zipped through the house. Ei yi yi, I couldn't find things for months...they even packed up a coffee can of "drippings" from a leak by the chimney in the basement. Nightmares, I tell ya...