Thursday, August 26, 2004

Thursday night~~
When i die, i want them to dress me in black stockings and high heels. I love my legs, even though i had nothing to do with their shape, or length, or curvature. I love them most in a shimmer of black silk, with just a hint of pink skin, winking through. I look down at them, and i see taut muscles, and exploratory curves, ready to walk for miles, and grasp tightly at what is there.
When will i wear black stockings again? This was absoleutely, positively, my last day in sales. It's overalls and tshirts for me, from this day forward....
Hmmnnn...i don"t believe that, do you? wink, wink....
Back to new life awaits me....later.


Amadeus said...

I'll never wear black stockings again either.... my last two pairs melted to the exhaust pipes on my Harley and singed the hair on my legs!

foxymama said...

Me neither... I hate my legs. If you saw them, you'd hate them too. Anyway, I'm glad you're looking to the future and I hope that new life that's awaiting will be a satisfying one. Good luck!