Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Tuesday Morning~~
Ok, the procastination stops today. I am finally going to have the damn garage sale. Where did i GET all this stuff? I know i am going to be a pushover, too. Fifty cents? IT'S YOURS!!!
Lots of laundry to do, too, and banking...Got up in the attic last night, and was startled by the 6 Foot Glow in the Dark Skeleton, that one of my sweet boys hung in the rafters...got lost in the box of their first teddybears and toys.I like attics..somehow, they seem much more benevolent, kinder, then basements.
I am glad i didn't get all dramatic leaving work...My ex-boss called yesterday, sweet as sugur, and asked if I would fill on on thursday...ARRRRGHHHH!!!And i thought it was all over..Oh, well ..it will be gas money for the trip to maryland.
I am boring myself this morning, and that's not a good sign, half my mind on writing, half in how-am-i-gonna-do-it-all mode...So, adios for now, time to tackle those chores...

1 comment:

foxymama said...

So did you have the sale? I can't figure out which is worse...having the garage sale or packing the junk..?