Saturday, August 07, 2004

Saturday Morning~~
Dressed for success today, royalblue silk blouse, sheer black stockings and skirt,paisley blazer in black,royalblue,and gold. Tamed my curls into elegant swirls,and am ready to sell some beds.
All the while, doing the girly stuff to get ready for work, a hundred lists in my head.Fix the lawnmower, things for the garage sale this thursday, basic cleaning, all my finaces to get in many things, it's going to be quite the challenge to balance them's is J's birthday, too. I bought him something very special for his 18th birthday....i will get into it tonight, when the lawnmower's fixed, when the birthday cake is finished(will i have time for a homemade one this year?)..Oh, much to do.
Deb called me at home last night..says that the guys are infighting at work big time..trying to decide who's going to do all my work..bickering and backstabbing each other, jeeeshhh. I am giving my notice on monday, a full two weeks. I have decided that even if the boss says "go now", at least i was true to my own integrity to the bitter end. I will find a way to make up for the lost income,somehow, if he does tell me to go...
Feel like i am writing like eating with, but with short, quick stabs and lots of misses....Off to work i go, yippie!!!(with the theme song of Bonanza running thru my head,lol)

1 comment:

foxymama said...

Atta girl...go get 'em!