Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tuesday NIght~~ Last Supper...
I have wiggled back and forth on packing the kitchen..but, tonight was the last supper..and i am packing it up.
Chicken cutlets, like my mom made...boneless breasts of chicken, pounded thin with a mallet, then dipped in flour, egg/parmesan cheese/milk/garlic/pepper,then fine breadcrumbs with parsley...Fried quick, in olive oil, til both sides are crispy, golden, fragrant, melt on your tongue, tickle in your belly good. Side dish of fettachine alfredo..(secret recipe...lol) and a salad jeweled with fresh tomatos and basil from the garden.
The phone rang while i was cooking...Matt...honorary son #3...and he heard the tears in my voice...who could help it, cooking the last supper, listening to Andrea Bocceli singing Sogno? Ten minutes later he was over, with his big brother Daniel, honorary son #4...I love them both, and have watched them grow from wild wee things to the giant wild men they are today...Crazy, what i have seen temper them is the women they love...we tend to gentley guide our men., with our hands cupping...well, you get the picture.
To boot, cramps like an elephant on my belly, but, can't stop now....I WILL get it all done....
Found out today that the writing site i first was published on accepted another poem...YiPPIE!! Only problem is, i forgot what I wrote...but, the title is "Lick"
Scary, eh? It comes out in September, so, we shall see if i have to blush and hide, or if it is a more metaphoric "lick"...
God must get dizzy, as i sweep between the earthly and celestrial...or, at the very least, shake His head., at his child...
Back to work...later...

1 comment:

foxymama said...

I hope you will post the poem on here. That's very exciting...the publishing. Good luck!