Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wednesday Morning~~
I woke this morning pregnant with dreams, yet they slipped away like cottoncandy on the tongue, when i tried to remember them.
I am feeling as heavy and slow as the sky outside, a disagreeable gray, sullen and lifeless. Can't have that! I countered it by wearing fushchia silk, and a long scarf of every color of the rainbow, and gypsy earrings in ruby and brass.
My last LOOONGGG day at work, the last of the 11 hour shifts. After that, i am laughing, two days off, then just the weekend of work to go!!
I'll make it go by fast, i am moving from work, afterall, and i want all my work tidy and completed. I am glad i gave 2 weeks notice instead of just saying "screw you". I don't like confrontations at all, and, two wrongs don't make a right, as my mother used to say.
Skunk in the backyard, in all his oderous glory! It isn't mingling well with my coffee or opium perfume....Just hope it wasn't one of my kitty's he tangled with....
Off to work i go!! Later...

1 comment:

Blap said...

hey lees-
i love the pregnant with dreams/cotton candy do you do it?
miss you thought i'd drop in and tell you that im alive and kicking--whatever the hell that means-
i've blogged twice this week-is it showin' up on your radar?
lemme know-
yay w/ the 2 weeks notice-bigger-better things on the horizon-even if the horizon is grey-
im such a pink pioneer it's sick! you'd think i had stock in the color-
luv 2 u